

Festival de la Cité Foundation

Place de la Cathédrale 6
CH-1005 Lausanne

Tel: 021 311 03 75
E-mail: info@festivalcite.ch



When planning the programme, the Programming Team usually contact and book the artists and performers directly. Spontaneous paper submissions received by post are not automatically read.

If you would like to send a proposal and your tour dates, please send the information to prog@festivalcite.ch. Only artists selected for further consideration will be contacted.

Les Ami-e-s du Festival de la Cité
(Friends of the Festival)

Place de la Cathédrale 6
CH-1005 Lausanne

Tel: 021 311 03 75
Fax: 021 311 03 82
E-mail: amis@festivalcite.ch

Bank Information: Banque Cantonale Vaudoise, 1001 Lausanne
IBAN: CH11 0076 7000 U521 0810 7
Account Holder: Fondation Festival de la Cité, Les Ami-e-s du festival, 1005 Lausanne